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Once the NEPA process concludes with a final EA or EIS and a decision by the agency, the process is over. Typically, the proposed action in the EA or EIS becomes the basis for the Allotment Management Plan for a term grazing permit renewal or the project plan for a range improvement. A final decision related to an EA for the US Forest Service is called a Decision Notice. For the BLM, the final decision is referred to as a Decision Record. If an EIS is required, the final decision for both agencies is called a Record of Decision.
Though the NEPA process for your grazing permit and range improvement has concluded, the process is not really over. You should continue to engage with agency staff to maintain strong relationships. You should also work with agency staff to implement and maintain a monitoring program to track the impacts and outcomes of the decision. Because most BLM and US Forest Service decisions now include adaptive management, monitoring will provide you with the data you need to adjust over time and improve management outcomes without the need for a new NEPA process. In addition, maintaining relationships and monitoring will make the next NEPA process easier for you and the agency.
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Further Reading
- Wilmer, H., Derner, J.D., Fernández-Giménez, M.E., Briske, D.D., Augustine, D.J., and Porensky, L.M. 2018. Collaborative Adaptive Rangeland Management Fosters Management-Science Partnerships. Rangeland Ecology & Management 71(5): 646–657.
- Steven R. Woods, George B. Ruyle. 2015. Informal Rangeland Monitoring and Its Importance to Conservation in a U.S. Ranching Community. Rangeland Ecology & Management. Volume 68, Issue 5. P. 390-401. ISSN 1550-7424.