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Cows wearing VF devices

Virtual Fence User Guide

Photo by: Michael Stauder
  • Body

    Virtual fence (VF) has the potential to change grazing systems by allowing unprecedented impact over livestock distribution. The systems use invisible barriers, established by Global Positioning System (GPS) coordinates, to influence livestock movement with a combination of auditory and electrical cues without a physical fence. VF can be also be complicated and expensive. 

    This digital guide was created to provide practical, unbiased, vendor-neutral, and realistic information about VF.

    Foundations of VF

    • Virtual fence (VF) is an emerging precision livestock management tool with multiple interconnected components.
       VF components include software, base stations, and collars
    • coming soon. Examining the costs and benefits of adopting a VF system in a cow-calf operation under different vendors and conditions. 

      comparing virtual fence and physical fence

    • Virtual fence lines are created in VF software, which requires a digital map of an entire ranch or land management area.

      landmarks to map on your ranch

    • coming soon. Equipment needed, strategies for proper fit, and safety when placing virtual fence collars on livestock.

      cow wearing a collar

    • How livestock recognize and interpret the auditory and electrical cues can limit potential risks for animal health and welfare.

      after training, livestock turn away from cues

    • Battery life, collar disposal, strategies for collection in the field, and data organization.

      virtual herds shown in different colors

    • Special consideration is needed when training livestock, designing fences, managing incentives, and gathering livestock.

      Acute virtual fence lines are challenging

    • Concise answers to common questions asked by people interested in virtual fence.

      Frequently asked questions


  • Concise answers to common questions asked by people interested in virtual fence systems.
  • Learn about the progress, challenges, and future considerations of VF from members of the Virtual Fence Working Group.
  • A basic comparison of virtual fence vendors including software, type of communication, collar battery, herd size, pasture size, upfront and ongoing co…
  • Compare the cost of VF systems and physical fence in different scenarios.
  • How to convert a stationary base station into a mobile base station.
  • Plot the best location for a single base station. Requires ArcGIS Pro with the Spatial Analyst extension enabled.
  • The Arizona Geographic Information Council curates GIS data resources for Arizona and other western states.
  • The U.S. Forest Service maintains digital rangeland data on boundaries, natural resources, and more.
  • The Bureau of Land Management shares geographic data and content that can be downloaded.
  • Explore the boundaries of virtual fencing with handouts and presentations from the 3-part workshop series.

Featured Resources From the Database


cows wearing vf devices
VF 101 & Vendor Comparison

Webinar 1

cows wearing vf devices
VF Applications for Rangeland & Livestock Management

Webinar 2

cow wearing VF device
VF Economics

Webinar 3

Outside Resources

Overview of the Arizona USDA-NRCS Cost-Share Program - Review the four VF companies available in the US as of January 2025 and see an overview of USDA-NRCS cost-share program for VF in Arizona.

Unfencing Range - A University of Idaho and Washington State University collaboration to create a low-cost, low-power ear-borne VF system as an alternative to physical fences.

Virtual Fence Working Group - a community of practice for virtual fence researchers and land managers.

Reference Library - Access journal articles on virtual fence in Zotero, an open source reference management tool

Green Lands Blue Waters - providing an introduction to virtual fencing for NRCS field staff, grazing educators, and other conservation professionals.