Rangeland Ecology & Management

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Cows wearing VF devices
Webinar 2: Exploring the Boundaries of Virtual Fence

Applications of Virtual Fence for Rangeland Management

Photo by: Michael Stauder

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Date & Time: October 17, 2024 | 10am PDT

Where: Zoom Webinar

Webinar Summary:

Join us to learn about three real-world examples of how virtual fence (VF) has been used for rangeland and livestock management. We hope this webinar will empower you to effectively evaluate VF for sustainable rangeland management.

This 1-hour webinar is the second of a three part series on VF. 


  • Reduce fine fuel accumulation to proactively manage for fire 
  • Exclude livestock from riparian ecosystems
  • Track animal behavior, stress, and performance


Presented by:

  • Chad Boyd, Rangeland Scientist, US Department of Agriculture−Agricultural Research Service
  • Brandon Mayer, Research Professional, School of Natural Resources & the Environment, University of Arizona
  • Logan Vandermark, Precision Livestock Technologies Field Specialist, South Dakota State University Extension



For more information on virtual fence, explore the virtual fence user guide.

View the VF User Guide