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Featured Resources From the Database
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Listings by county for the state of Arizona. From the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Services.
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Lists by taxa of endangered and threatened species in the state.
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The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has done a better job than we could do in providing information about the Act, including access to the full text of the Act, information about…
- Website
Provides taxonomic classification, conservation status and distribution information on species that have been evaluated using IUCN Red List Categories and Criteria. This system is…
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Montana Fish, Wildlife, and Parks Commission.
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The Department of Game and Fish is directed under the New Mexico Wildlife Conservation Act (WCA) to develop recovery plans for species listed by the state of New Mexico as…
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North Dakota has twelve species listed as threatened (likely to become an endangered species in the near future) or endangered (in danger of extinction now) via the Endangered…
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List of federal and state threatened and endangered species in Oklahoma. From Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation.
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A simple list giving common name, scientific name, and whether threatened or endangered. From the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife.
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A consortium of ten federal government Member agencies and over 145 non-federal Cooperators representing various disciplines within the conservation field: biologists, botanists,…
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Gap Analysis is a scientific means for assessing to what extent native animal and plant species are being protected. The goal of Gap Analysis is to keep common species common by…
- Website
Lists endangered, threatened, designated, candidate, proposed, and 'of concern' species, with most linked to a page with a brief description and pictures. From the…
- Technical Report
Reviews the potential of wolves in Utah and makes predictions regarding the social and economic impacts of wolf recolonization on the livestock industry, on hunter success, and on…