Rangeland Ecology & Management

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Brush and Woody Species Management

WSARE PDP Workshop #3

Anvil Ranch in the Altar Valley

October 4, 2018



Working with Landowners and Collaborative Groups to Apply Knowledge


8:00 - 8:30   Coffee and sign in

8:30 - 8:45   Introduction and logistics – Mary Miller (Altar Valley Conservation Alliance (AVCA))

8:45 - 9:20   Recap of Big Themes from First Two Workshops with Discussion – Elise Gornish (University of Arizona)

Audio only (Opening remarks by Mary Miller; Elise Gornish starts at about the 5 minute mark)  

Preliminary themes from Workshops 1 and 2:

  1. Ecology of grassland conversion to woody species
  2. Site evaluation
  3. Economics, financing and logistics
  4. Toolkit
  5. Brush management is a process – not a one-time project
  6. Work across boundaries

9:20 – 10:00   Conservation Planning and Brush Management Tools – Kristen Egen (Natural Resources Conservation Service, Tucson Field Office)

10:00 - 10:30   Break

10:30 – 12:00   Site Selection Strategies and Possible Treatments, with Break Out Groups & Reports – Dan Robinett (AVCA consultant; formerly NRCS)       

  • Presentation
  • Video  - Dan Robinett
  • Video - Break out group reports                     

12:00 - 1:15   Lunch (Includes informal discussions and video interviews)

1:15 – 1:45   Monitoring Protocols and Tools ~ From Sky Down and Ground Up – Sarah Noelle (University of Arizona) and Robert Davis (AVCA consultant)

1:45 – 2:30   Small Group Discussions on Workshop Takeaways & Possible Next Steps (Evaluation) – Barb Hutchinson (University of Arizona) and Sheila Merrigan (University of Arizona)

2:30 – 3:00   Brush Management Website & Videos – Sheila Merrigan (University of Arizona) and Angel Marquez (University of Arizona)

3:00 – 3:15   Thank You and Goodbyes – Mary Miller (AVCA)