- Body
- BEHAVE: Behavioral Education for Human, Animal, Vegetation & Ecosystem Management: Mission is to inspire people to master and apply behavioral principles in managing ecosystems.
- Cows and Fish: The Alberta Riparian Habitat Management Program is a partnership between Canadian cattlemen's organizations, Trout Unlimited, and various Canadian land management agencies. Basic information about riparian management, and links to community tools for cooperative efforts.
- Effects of Livestock Grazing on Riparian Stream Ecosystems (Abbreviated): Policy statement discussing the negative effects of livestock grazing and possible solutions.
- Guidelines for Managing Cattle Grazing in Riparian Areas to Protect Water Quality: Livestock grazing in riparian areas is controversial. Many riparian areas in the United States have been mismanaged and degraded by improper livestock grazing. However, negative effects of grazing in riparian areas can be minimized or eliminated with proper management. Grazing management is the key to attaining the benefits riparian areas offer livestock while maintaining water quality standards and fully functioning riparian ecosystems.
- Riparian Buffer Systems in Crop and Rangelands: Most of the riparian zones in the Midwestern agroecosystems and arid and semi-arid western rangelands have been extensively impacted by agricultural cropping and grazing activities. Several riparian zone restoration and management strategies are discussed.
- Riparian-Fisheries Habitat Responses to Late Spring Cattle Grazing: A grazing study was conducted on a cold, mountain meadow riparian system in central Idaho in response to cattle grazing-salmonid fisheries conflicts.
- Short-Term Response of Riparian Vegetation to 4 Grazing Treatments: Journal of Range Management 47(1):48-53 January 1994.
- BEHAVE: Behavioral Education for Human, Animal, Vegetation & Ecosystem Management: Mission is to inspire people to master and apply behavioral principles in managing ecosystems.