- Body
Additional References
- Gornish, E and Howery, L. D. 2019. Editors. Non-native, invasive plants of Arizona. Arizona Cooperative Extension Publication Revised #AZ1482-2019. 26pp
- Howery, L. D. 2007. Help protect Arizona from non-native, invasive plants. Backyards and beyond: Rural living in Arizona. 1:5-6
- Reid, C. R., S. Goodrich, J. E. Bowns. 2008. Cheatgrass and Red Brome: History and Biology of Two Invaders. USDA Forest Service Proceedings RMRS-P-52.
Related Links
- Selected Yellow Starthistle Treatment Options: UC Davis
- New Jersey Agricultural Weed Gallery: Collection of photos and descriptions of agricultural weeds found in New Jersey. Rutgers Cooperative Extension.
- Invasivespecies.gov: The Nation's Invasive Species Information System: The U.S. National Biological Information Infrastructure.
- Idaho's Noxious Weeds: An online version of Idaho's Noxious Weeds.
- BioControl Matters: Association of Natural Bio-Control Producers' newsletter.
- An Illustrated Guide to Arizona Weeds: For purchase from from the University of Arizona Press. Check your library for access to the book.
- Colorado Weed Management Association: Has issues of its newsletter, Weed Watch, on the web.
- Federal Interagency Committee for the Management of Noxious and Exotic Weeds: Responsible for coordinating a Federal Government approach for the management of weeds.
- The National Invasive Species Council: Information on prevention, early detection, rapid response, control, management, restoration, research and education regarding invasive species.
- The National Invasive Species Information Center: The Center provides information on US and international invasive plants, animals and microbes and their associated economic impacts.
- Weed Identification: A very complete and elegant online key to identifying weeds. From C-FAR, the Illinois Council on Food and Agricultural Research, Strategic Research Initiative in Information Systems and Technology.
- Weeds of Utah: Identification and Prevention: Resources on identifying and preventing weeds in Utah, from Utah State University Extension
- Weeds: Publications on weeds, many of which are available online. From the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Institute for Agriculture and Natural Resources.
- About Weeds and Invasive Species: General information from BLM on invasive weeds. From the Bureau of Land Management.
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