Rangeland Ecology & Management

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Ecology and Management of the Lesser Prairie-Chicken
Bidwell, Terrance G.
Fuhlendorf, Sam
Gillen, Bob
Harmon, Stephanie
Horton, Russ
Manes, Rob
Rodgers, Randy
Sherrod, Steve
Wolfe, Don
Oklahoma State University, Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service

Oklahoma is fortunate to have Lesser Prairie-Chickens and the prai ries and shrublands that support them. However, their range and numbers have decreased significantly from historical levels and con tin ue to decline. To survive and reproduce, the LPC needs large expanses of native prairies and shrublands without trees in dif fer ent stag es of plant succession. Hopefully, pop u la tions of LPC can be main tained and increased if native plant com mu ni ties are re stored and the ecosystem drivers of fire and graz ing are used ap pro pri ate ly.LPCs are found almost exclusively on private property and thus de pend on the stewardship of private property owners. Pro- grams that promote conversion of native prairie to non-native veg e - ta tion such an introduced forages or trees are not beneficial to the LPC or other native wildlife. Government and private programs that encourage restoration and management of native prairies and shrublands are needed. The LPC is a species that reflects the health of the Southern Great Plains ecosystem and is at a critical thresh old for its long-term survival. Okla ho ma and many other central and western states still have large tracts of land and the op por tu ni ty to reclaim and restore millions of acres of native plant com mu ni ties for the LPC and other prairie species. Adequate fund ing, public support, competent consultants, and landowner co op er a tion are needed to ac com plish this goal.(source conclusions)

Resource Type
Document Type
Technical Report
endangered species
  • Articles, citations, reports, websites, and multimedia resources focused on rangeland ecology, management, restoration, and other issues on American rangelands.