Rangeland Ecology & Management

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Standard Crested Wheatgrass (Agropyron desertorum)
Smoliak, S.
Ditterline, R.L.
Scheetz, J.D.
Holzworth, L.K.
Sims, J.R.
Wiesner, L.E.
Baldridge, D.E.
Tibke, G.L.
Montana State University Extension Service

Standard crested wheatgrass is one of the most important cultivated grasses introduced into the United States. It is native to the cold, dry prairies of eastern Russia, western Siberia and central Asia. It has been used widely for forage and conservation plantings. In Montana it has been the chief grass used to regrass abandoned croplands and depleted ranges in the Northern Great Plains. It is best adapted at low and moderate elevations.
It has been suggested that at least five or six species make up the standard crested wheatgrass complex. This complex also may involve mechanical mixtures from seed or hybrids between closely related species. (source Introduction)

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