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Revegetating Weed-Infested Rangeland With a Single Field Entry
Rinella, Matthew
Jacobs, James
Sheley, Roger
Montana State University Extension Service

Although revegetation with aggressive species can limit weed
reinvasion, land managers are reluctant to attempt it because
of the number of attempts required for success and the number of entries onto a site needed to maximize the potential for
seedling establishment. The results of this study suggests that
a single-entry revegetation program applying Tordon 22K® in
late fall at the time of seeding will optimize seedling establishment in spotted knapweed infested rangeland. This single
entry revegetation strategy may provide managers with a cost
effective and reliable revegetation strategy and ultimately a
sustainable weed management program.
This information is for educational purposes only.
Reference to commercial products or trade names does not
imply discrimination or endorsement by the Montana State
University Extension Service (source summary)

Resource Type
Document Type
  • Articles, citations, reports, websites, and multimedia resources focused on rangeland ecology, management, restoration, and other issues on American rangelands.