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Impacts of pasture spelling on the performance of a beef grazing property in northern Australia
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Whish, G.
Pahl, L.
Bray, S.
Australian Rangeland Society
Publication Year

Northern Australian beef businesses face productivity, profitability and environmental pressures, and
improving land condition and animal performance is a key business priority for many beef producers.
Pasture spelling can improve poor condition land by increasing the health and resilience of desirable
3P (perennial, palatable, productive) tussock grasses. However, implementing spelling strategies at
the property scale can be complex. Bio-economic modelling was used to compare the performance
of several rotational pasture spelling strategies on a case-study beef grazing property in central
Queensland. The effectiveness of these strategies to improve . . . . .

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It is recommended that papers in the conference proceedings be cited in the following manner:
Bastin, G, Sparrow, A, Scarth, P., Gill, T. Barneston, J. and Staben G. (2015). Are we there yet? Tracking state and change in Australia's rangelands. In Proceedings of the 18th Biennial Conference of the Australian Rangeland Society, Alice Springs (Ed M.H. Friedel) [Australian Rangeland Society: Perth]
animal productivity
case-study property
land condition
Northern Australia
simulated spelling strategies