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Spelling strategies for recovery of pasture condition
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Jones, P.
Harris, C.
Silcock, R.
Australian Rangeland Society
Publication Year

This project seeks to improve the evidence base and modelling capacity underpinning

recommendations for the use of wet season spelling to recover poor condition grazing land and design more reliable and cost-effective spelling options for producers across northern Australia. Our research now has four years of information from the Monteagle site near Clermont, and two years from the Wambiana site south of Charters Towers. Spelling has produced a small, yet significant improvement in perennial grass basal area at Monteagle when compared to grazing at a moderate stocking rate. This improvement . . . . .

Resource Type
Document Type
Conference Paper
Additional Information
It is recommended that papers in the conference proceedings be cited in the following manner:
Bastin, G, Sparrow, A, Scarth, P., Gill, T. Barneston, J. and Staben G. (2015). Are we there yet? Tracking state and change in Australia's rangelands. In Proceedings of the 18th Biennial Conference of the Australian Rangeland Society, Alice Springs (Ed M.H. Friedel) [Australian Rangeland Society: Perth]
Conference Name
18th Biennial Conference, Australian Rangeland Society, Alice Springs, Northern Territory, 12-16 April 2015
basal area
pasture yield