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What distance from water should we use to estimate paddock carrying capacity?
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Cowley, R. A.
Jenner, D.
Walsh, D.
Australian Rangeland Society
Publication Year

Large, extensively grazed paddocks in Australian rangelands are often poorly watered, which causes
overgrazing close to water and relatively ungrazed areas further from water. To adjust for watered
area when estimating carrying capacity, estimates within 0 to 3 km and 0 to 5 km from water are
typically used. We calculated the proportion of total forage consumed with distance from water in
grazing trials in the Victoria River District and Barkly regions of the Northern Territory, by multiplying
average defoliation estimates within 500m distance to water (DTW) bands by area of DTW bands.
Cattle grazed further from water in less well watered paddocks . . . . .

Resource Type
Document Type
Conference Paper
Additional Information
It is recommended that papers in the conference proceedings be cited in the following manner:
Bastin, G, Sparrow, A, Scarth, P., Gill, T. Barneston, J. and Staben G. (2015). Are we there yet? Tracking state and change in Australia's rangelands. In Proceedings of the 18th Biennial Conference of the Australian Rangeland Society, Alice Springs (Ed M.H. Friedel) [Australian Rangeland Society: Perth]
Conference Name
18th Biennial Conference, Australian Rangeland Society, Alice Springs, Northern Territory, 12-16 April 2015
grazing radius
watered area