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Extensive beef stocking rate strategies for coping with rainfall variability
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Pahl, L.I.
Scanlan, J. C.
Whish, G.
Cowley, R.
MacLeod, N.D.
Australian Rangeland Society
Publication Year

This simulation study compared the cattle productivity and sustainability of fixed stocking with that of 55 flexible stocking strategies at 28 locations across Queensland and the Northern Territory which differed in rainfall amount and variability. Flexible stocking strategies differed markedly in the extent they could increase or decrease stocking rates in response to the amount of forage available at the end of each pasture growing season. . . . .

Resource Type
Document Type
Conference Paper
Additional Information
It is recommended that papers in the conference proceedings be cited in the following manner:
Bastin, G, Sparrow, A, Scarth, P., Gill, T. Barneston, J. and Staben G. (2015). Are we there yet? Tracking state and change in Australia's rangelands. In Proceedings of the 18th Biennial Conference of the Australian Rangeland Society, Alice Springs (Ed M.H. Friedel) [Australian Rangeland Society: Perth]
Conference Name
18th Biennial Conference, Australian Rangeland Society, Alice Springs, Northern Territory, 12-16 April 2015
cattle productivity
Northern Australia
pasture condition
stocking rate management