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Measuring & Monitoring Plant Populations
Elzinga, Caryl L.
Salzer, Daniel W.
Willoughby, John W.
Bureau of Land Management

This technical reference applies to monitoring situations involving a single plant species, such as an indicator species, key species, or weed. It was originally developed for monitoring special status plants, which have some recognized status at the Federal, State, or agency level because of their rarity or vulnerability. Most examples and discussions in this technical reference focus on these special status species, but the methods described are also applicable to any single-species monitoring and even some community monitoring situations. We thus hope wildlife biologists, range conservationists, botanists, and ecologists will all find this technical reference helpful.

Resource Type
Document Type
Technical Report
  • Articles, citations, reports, websites, and multimedia resources focused on rangeland ecology, management, restoration, and other issues on American rangelands.