The loss and fragmentation of sagebrush (Artemisia spp.) landscapes in the West has caused the decline of sagegrouse
(Centrocercus spp.) range-wide. The grouse depend on sagebrush dominated landscapes for food and cover.
Sagebrush is critically important for the ultimate survival of the grouse. As a landscape species,its consevation will
require the effort of many people.
In Utah, the Division of Wildlife Resourses, federal land agencies, university researchers, private landowners, and concerned citizens are leading efforts to reduce threats facing the grouse. This guide book is largely an illustrated synthesis of Utah’s Greater Sage-grouse Management Plan (2009). Although the information in this guide is based on the best scientific information available, it was written to extend what is known about sage-grouse and their habitat to landowners and managers and is not to be cited as a scientific document.
Articles, citations, reports, websites, and multimedia resources focused on rangeland ecology, management, restoration, and other issues on American rangelands.