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Evaluating Structural Changes in Farm Cash Receipts: Lessons from Mississippi and the Mid-South
Myles, Albert E.
Journal of the NACAA

Mississippi agriculture has undergone some major changes during the last 30 years or so. The industry’s old identity of being the state’s most important and stable sector is disappearing and gradually being replace by retail and service and automotive manufacturing. However, there appears to be no new agricultural enterprises emerging to prevent this freefall from continuing in the state. Thus, most enterprises in agriculture have lost cash receipts (or gross income) since 1990, due industry restructuring and foreign competition for our products (Figure 1). Changes in farm cash receipts will be use to identify and compare with averages in the Mid-South Region to identify farm enterprises with higher or lower growth rates in Mississippi. These statistics will help determine how much regional agriculture in the Mid-South effect and thus identify which farm enterprises have a competitive advantage in the region. The results and conclusions in this paper will be based on secondary-time series data taken from the Bureau of Economic Analysis: Regional Economic Accounts for the period 1990 -2007. The analysis will provide a focus on changes in farm cash receipts rather than farm output or number of acres in the farms. source:abstract

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Journal of the NACAA
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