Rangeland Ecology & Management

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Bullseye! Targeting Your Rangeland Health Objectives
Gadzia, Kirk
Graham, Todd
Not Available
Publication Year

We produced Bullseye! Targeting Your Rangeland Health Objectives to fill the gap between the
needs of land managers and the confusing array of monitoring methods available. Often, monitoring results
are exhibited as tables of numbers and confusing charts with interpretation difficult for hands-on application. In addition, the choice of which type of monitoring methodology best fits the situation of the potential user is commonly unclear. We hope this manual will be of use in your efforts to improve rangeland
health. Further, we hope users will modify and improve the techniques and pass these on to help others.
It is important to note that the Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS) and nearly all the
federal land management agencies have adopted Interpreting Indicators of Rangeland Health for measuring qualitative attributes of rangeland health (Appendix A). The three main differences between the Interpreting Indicators book and those presented in this publication are:
1. the graphic target representation of the information collected,
2. the use of a predetermined goal to help interpret the information collected, and
3. the use of the information to help you determine management changes that will move you
closer toward your goal for the land.
The methodologies presented in this manual have been field tested in a number of different locations and rangeland health conditions. In addition, people performing the field tests had highly varied
backgrounds and experiences in managing rangelands. This experience level ranged from cowboys and
wildlife management technicians to professional public and private land managers. Their feedback has been
incorporated into this manual. We look forward to an even wider range of potential users and their comments and suggestions.
For rangeland health everywhere......

source: author's comments

Resource Type
Document Type
Technical Report
  • Articles, citations, reports, websites, and multimedia resources focused on rangeland ecology, management, restoration, and other issues on American rangelands.