Rangeland Ecology & Management

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Riparian Area Management: Proper Functioning Condition and the Supporting Science for Lotic Areas
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Dickard, Melissa
Gonzalez, Mark
Elmore, Wayne
Leonard, Steve
Smith, Dave
Smith, Steve
Staats, Janice
Summers, Paul
Weixelman, Dave
Wyman, Sandra
DOI, Bureau of Land Management
Publication Year

This technical reference (TR) provides instructions for the application of the PFC protocol. It is not intended to serve as a textbook addressing every aspect of stream and riparian function and ecology. The PFC protocol addresses the physical functioning of perennial or intermittent lotic (flowing water) riparian systems, such as rivers or streams. Lentic (still or very slow-moving water) riparian systems, such as wetlands, ponds, or marshes, are addressed in a separate TR (Prichard et al. 2003). The PFC assessment protocol is not intended for use on ephemeral systems, which do not support the vegetation, riparian functions, and values that are dependent on extended periods of streamflow and availability of free water in the soil. Second Edition. Originally published in 1998 (BLM/RS/ST-98/001+1737).

Resource Type
Document Type
Technical Report
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