Rangeland Ecology & Management

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Water Resources Research Center
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The University of Arizona, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences

A research and extension unit of the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, the WRRC is the designated state water resources research center established under the 1964 Federal Water Resources Research Act. The WRRC conducts water policy research and analysis, and its information transfer activities include publications, conferences, lectures, and seminars. Water news and information are provided to the academic community, water professionals, elected and appointed officials, students and the public. The WRRC is one of five University of Arizona water centers responsible for implementing the Water Sustainability Program, which receives funding from The University of Arizona’s Technology and Research Initiative Fund (TRIF). WRRC is home to a number of water-related extension programs, including Arizona Project WET (Water Education for Teachers), Arizona NEMO (Non-point Education for Municipal Officials) and Arizona Master Watershed Stewards. Staff work collaboratively to deliver water information and education to multiple audiences across the state.(item description)

Resource Type
Document Type
  • Articles, citations, reports, websites, and multimedia resources focused on rangeland ecology, management, restoration, and other issues on American rangelands.