Rangeland Ecology & Management

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In this web site you'll find a wide array of information relating to both current Canadian agricultural issues and technical information on forage and beef production. Feel free to bookmark this site as your source of sound agricultural information for Canadian conditions. Within the technical section of Foragebeef.ca, you'll soon recognize three levels of information. As editors of this web site we designed a vast amount of information into a way that makes it easy for you to navigate through quickly. Level 1 is the straight forward "cut to the core" type of information that you may want on a particular topic. Called "Knowledge Nuggets", we collected around ten of the most important pieces of information that address a topic. Knowledge Nuggets are brief, concise and summarize the issues around a topic very efficiently. Level 2 is for the reader that wants more information about a particular topic. For that, we've searched the web and found many fact sheets from other web sites that will inform you about your topic of interest. From literally hundreds of fact sheets, we selected the best and culled the rest. Our main mandate was to select the most comprehensive and applicable fact sheets to western Canadian agriculture. Level 3 is for the analyzer who wants to know how the information was derived. In this level, we have a collection of scientific review papers, research abstracts and links to research communities through out Canada and the world. Level 3 is the storehouse for the research community. As with any study, you'll come to the point where you'll want to talk with someone. Our recommendation is that you contact a local agrologist to the area where you are interested in. Because climatic conditions affect management practices, it is important that you contact someone that is credible to the topic area. People from government or from private industry will be able to help you best. Should you have comments about this website and it's function, please feel free to contact us. Websites and links change from time to time. By letting us know of malfunctions or outdated material, we can better keep this site current and working well. 

Resource Type
Document Type
  • Articles, citations, reports, websites, and multimedia resources focused on rangeland ecology, management, restoration, and other issues on American rangelands.