Rangeland Ecology & Management

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Montana Rangelands

Rangeland comprises approximately 70% of the land area in Montana, and is found in every Montana county. Ranches with rangeland livestock production enterprises, an industry that contributes a significant amount of income to Montana’s economy, rely heavily on rangelands to support their livelihood. Cattle and calves, the agricultural industry that relies predominantly on rangelands, brings in $1.1 billion in cash receipts in Montana, and in today’s economy, where input costs of production on farms and ranches are extremely high, rangeland pasture-based livestock production provides a relatively low-input option for raising livestock. In addition to being a critical component of sustainable agriculture in Montana and the West, rangeland livestock production systems that are managed correctly can naturally maintain plant community health, soil integrity, water quality, and wildlife habitat.

Featured Videos

  • Rangeland Monitoring - A Rancher's Perspective

    Montana NRCS: "Rangeland Monitoring - A Rancher's Perspective" discusses the benefits of rangeland monitoring. Montana Ranchers, Steve and Betty Hedstrom, Brett Noland, and Layton Perry, demonstrate the monitoring process and talk about why monitoring and evaluation are important tools for managing their rangelands.

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  • art of range

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