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Developing Engaging Extension Curriculum to Enhance Food Security

Watch the Webinar

Date & Time (Eastern): 
Mar 26 2020 - 1:00pm

How can Extension support practices that sustain healthy forests and rangelands, while enhancing food Security?  The rapidly growing population in the United States and the world creates food security challenges at local, regional, and national scales and threatens our ability to export important food resources to other nations. To meet these challenges U.S. farmers and ranchers need innovative approaches to increase productivity while maintaining the sustainability of the lands they manage. 

Healthy and productive forests and rangelands are the hallmark of the Renewable Resources Extension Act and essential for addressing our future food security challenges through advances in agroforestry and rangeland management practices. Successful Extension Educators transfer innovations to stakeholders via engaging curricula.

This webinar will feature the work of three successful Extension Educators:

  • Dr. John Munsell, Agroforestry and whole farm planning, Virginia Tech.
  • Gary Wyatt, Extension Educator & Extension Professor, Agroforestry, University of Minnesota
  • Dr. Travis Mulliniks, Nebraska Ranch Practicum, University of Nebraska 

Join us as our three speakers share their best kept secrets to engage and educate their stakeholders in methods to sustain forest and rangeland productivity while addressing local, regional and national food security needs.