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Rangeland Inventory, Monitoring, and Evaluation:
Management Applications

Introduction | General Principles | Sampling Concepts | Vegetation Attributes
Rangeland Evaluation | Management Applications | Chapter Outline

Grazing by animals, both domestic livestock and wildlife, remains a primary land use on rangelands. Therefore, many rangeland inventory and monitoring programs must focus on obtaining information that can be interpreted to ensure productive and sustainable forage consumption within the management unit.

References and Further Reading

Pearson, H.A., and J.W. Thomas. 1984. Adequacy of inventory data for management interpretations. In: National Research Council/National Academy of Sciences. Developing strategies for rangeland management. Westview Press. pp. 745-763.

Smith, E.L. 1984. Use of inventory and monitoring data for range management purposes. In: National Research Council/National Academy of Sciences. Developing strategies for rangeland management. pp. 809-842.

West, N.E., K. McDaniel, E.L. Smith, and S. Leonard. 1994. Monitoring and interpreting ecological integrity on arid and semi-arid lands of the western United States. Range Improvement Task Force, Las Cruces, NM. pp. 1-15.