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Watershed Restoration Through Integrated Resource Management on Public and Private Rangelands
Goodloe, Sid
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Until recently much of the rangeland in the western United States was in a serious downward trend. Water quality and quantity were declining as the result of the continuous livestock grazing practices employed at the turn of the century followed by 80 years of fire suppression. Thirty-five years of integrated/holistic resource management at the Carrizo Valley Ranch site has reversed this trend. In addition to restoration of rangeland productivity, the riparian area on the ranch has been restored, wildlife populations enhanced and perennial streamflow restored. The practical experience gained at the ranch should be useful to private landowners, public land managers, and water quality agencies throughout the brittle ecosystems of the southwestern United States. Some of the techniques used at Carrizo Valley Ranch are being demonstrated on an adjacent watershed in the Smokey Bear Ranger District of the Lincoln National Forest.

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Southwestern United States
  • Articles, citations, reports, websites, and multimedia resources focused on rangeland ecology, management, restoration, and other issues on American rangelands.