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Resource Value Rating

Resource value ratings have been proposed as an approach to meet the demands of multiple use principles, by evaluating the suitability of the current vegetation for a specific use, such as livestock grazing, desert tortoise habitat, and recreation. Therefore, it is appropriate to assign several resource value ratings to each range site.

This approach contrasts with current rangeland assessment methods that are based on evaluating the ecological status without direct consideration of management goals. However, a resource value rating should be considered as complementary, rather than a replacement, to any assessment of ecological status, such as range condition or rangeland health.

References and Further Reading

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Hann, W.J. 1986. Evaluation of resource values in the northern region of the Forest Service. Rangelands 8:159-161.

National Research Council. 1994. Rangeland health: New methods to classify, inventory and monitor rangelands. National Academy Press. pp. 94-96.

Pieper, R.D., and R.F. Beck. 1990. Range condition from an ecological perspective: Modification to recognize multiple use objectives. Journal of Range Management 43:550-552. (pdf)

Society for Range Management. 1983. Guidelines and terminology for range inventories and monitoring. Report of the Range Inventory Standardization Committee. Society for Range Management, Denver, CO.

Task Group on Unity in Concepts and Terminology. 1995. New concepts for assessment of range condition. Journal of Range Management 48:271-282.

Wagner, B. 1986. Resource value ratings in relation to livestock forage values. Rangelands 8:155-157.

Wilson, A.D. 1989. The development of systems of assessing the condition of rangeland in Australia. In: W.K. Lauenroth and W.A. Laycock. (eds.) Secondary succession and the evaluation of rangeland condition. Westview Press, Boulder, CO. pp. 77-102.