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Current Year's Growth

Current year's growth is the above-ground biomass produced during the previous 12 months.

In environments with distinctive seasons, such as the monsoonal influence in the southwest, current year's growth is best approximated at the end of the summer growing season. For grasses, the biomass with a greyish hue is rejected as older than the current year's growth. For evergreen woody species, supple twigs and associated leaves are usually included as recent growth. Obviously, these judgements are subjective, and ground rules that present clear guidelines on the separation of old growth are required to maintain consistency among different observers.

In situations where climatic conditions promote year-long plant production, or where utilization by grazing animals has already removed some biomass, current year's growth is difficult to determine from data collected at a single time.

References and Further Reading

Bonham, C.D. 1989. Measurements for terrestrial vegetation. John Wiley Sons, New York, NY. pp 241-243.