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Rangeland Plants

  • Grasses of Hawaii (PDF file - 871 KB; also available in TIFF 6.0)
    (A.S. Hitchcock. 1922. Bishop Museum Press.)
    Classic publication containing keys and descriptions of native, introduced, and agricultural grasses in Hawaii. Made available through the National Agricultural Library Digital Repository (NALDR)

  • Grasses of the Hawaiian Ranges
    Grasses of the Hawaiian Ranges. 1939. Whitney, L.D, E.Y. Hosaka, and J.C. Ripperton. Hawaii Agricultural Experiment Station Bulletin 82, University of Hawaii. A cross index of grasses according to scientific name, common name, and synonyms. This guide provides illustrations of grasses.

  • Hawaii Forages Website
    (CTAHR, University of Hawaii at Manoa)
    The Forages Website provides graziers with tropical grass and legume information compiled from research station and on-ranch field plot projects conducted by the Hawaii Cooperative Extension Service. The Mealani Research Station forage collection contains over 225 grasses and legumes assembled at a single site. Research information includes yield and nutritional data and aphid resistance scores for the various grasses in the collection. The "Forage Environment" section provides access to Ripperton and Hosaki vegetation zones by island.

  • Kikuyugrass for Forage (PDF file - 272 KB)
    (Glen K. Fukumoto and Chin N. Lee. 2003. Cooperative Extension Service, CTAHR, University of Hawaii at Manoa)
    Kikiyugrass is one of the most important pasture and range grasses in Hawaii. This publication covers establishment, management, and yield.

  • Pangolagrass for Forage (PDF file - 284 KB)
    (Glen K. Fukumoto and Chin N. Lee. 2003. Cooperative Extension Service, CTAHR, University of Hawaii at Manoa)
    Pangolagrass is an important pasture forage in Hawaii. This publication covers establishment, management, and yield.

  • Plants of Hawaii
    (Kim Starr. USGS, Biological Resources Division, Haleakala Field Station)
    A collection of images, maps, and reports of plants of Hawaii. Includes over 19,000 high resolution, copyright free images for more than 1,300 species of native and non-native plants from Hawaii; Maui distribution maps for over 100 non-native plants; and reports for about 100 non-native plants on Maui.

  • Signalgrass for Forage (PDF file - 160 KB)
    (Glen K. Fukumoto and Chin N. Lee. Rev. 2003. Cooperative Extension Service, CTAHR, University of Hawaii at Manoa)
    Information on establishment, management, and yield of this tropical grass.

  • Stargrass for Forage (PDF file - 280 KB)
    (Glen K. Fukumoto and Chin N. Lee. Rev. 2003. Cooperative Extension Service, CTAHR, University of Hawaii at Manoa)
    Information on establishment, management, and yield of this tropical grass.

  • Secondary Compounds of Pasture Plants (Xcel File - 55 KB)
    ​​(Dr. Mark Thorne, Universisty of Hawaii at Manoa)
    Searchable database of common pasture plants and their known secondary compounds.