Forage Environment
(CTAHR, University of Hawaii at Manoa)
This section of the Forages Website provides access to Ripperton and Hosaka vegetation zone maps and tables for the major Hawaiian islands. -
Hawaii Soils
(Natural Resources Conservation Service, USDA)
Access to soil survey information is provided through maps of the main Hawaiian islands. All text and tables relate to the map symbols and the areas delineated on these maps. -
Hawaii Statewide GIS System
(Office of Planning, State of Hawaii)
This site provides free access to dowloadable GIS layers and a link to the free GIS Viewer, ArcExplorer. Layer sets include physical features, political boundaries, natural resource and environment, hazards, and coastal and marine . -
Plants to Control Stream Bank Erosion (PDF file - 332 KB)
(Waimanalo Watershed Restoration Project)
Short publication on using native plants to restore stream banks in Hawaii; includes a list of recommended plants, invasive plants to avoid, planting instructions, and erosion control. -
Regional Water Quality Program - State of Hawaii
(Cooperative State Research, Education and Extension Services, U.S. Department of Agriculture)
Information resources on water pollution, watershed management, and animal waste management for Hawaii. Links to the programs for American Samoa, CNMI, FSM, Guam, Marshall Islands, and Palau. -
Riparian Plant Restoration
(Herbarium Pacificum, Bishop Museum and Natural Resources Conservation Service, USDA)
Provides access to a database on native Hawaiian plant species suitable for riparian (streamside) restoration. The database containing information on habitat, growing conditions, propagation techniques, wetland rating, and trials with successes and failure information from the field; includes images. Requires Lucid Player on your computer to access the database; free download link is included. -
Soil Nutrient Management for Maui County
(CTAHR, University of Hawaii at Manoa)
This Web resource provides fundamental concepts for managing nutrients in tropical soils and container crop production. It covers soil basics, soils on Maui, and proper management techniques. -
Soils of Hawaii (PDF file - 1.05 MB)
(J. Deenik and A. T. McClellan. 2007. Cooperative Extension Service, CTAHR, University of Hawaii at Manoa)
Descriptions of the soil orders found in the Hawaiian Islands with maps of the soil order locations on each island.
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