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Invasive Species

    Posted on Feb 20, 2013 in 2013 News Releases, HDOA

  • Hawaii (U.S.A.) Noxious Weeds Info
    Part of the Hawaii Ecosystems at Risk (HEAR) Web site, this page contains links to PDF files of the official State of Hawaii Department of Agriculture (HDOA) administrative rules about noxious weeds and seeds.

  • Hawaii's Most Invasive Horticultural Plants
    (Hawaii State Alien Species Coordinator, Department of Land & Natural Resources [DLNR], Division of Forestry & Wildlife [DOFAW])
    The introduction discusses what makes plant species invasive in Hawaii and how these plants arrive; includes a link to a list of plants listed by botanical name.

  • Hawaiian Alien Plant Studies
    (Botany Department and the National Park Service Cooperative Park Studies Unit of the University of Hawaii at Manoa)
    This site contains the full text of the report Impact of Alien Plants on Hawai'i's Native Biota by Clifford W. Smith as well as information on and photographs of over 100 alien plant species found in Hawaii.

  • Hawaiian Ecosystems at Risk (HEAR) Project
    (Funded by the United States Geological Survey, Biological Resources Division)
    One of the most comprehensive information resources available about invasive species in Hawaii. HEAR contains information on many invasive alien plants and animals, including detailed maps of known populations by island.

  • National Invasive Species Information Center
    (National Agricultural Library, USDA)
    The National Agricultural Library's gateway to invasive species information. Provides lists of Web resources by state as well as links to resources on aquatic species, terrestrial plants and animals, and microbes.

  • Noxious Plants of the Hawaiian Ranges
    (Edward Y. Hosaka and Alan Thistle. 1954. College of Agriculture, University of Hawaii)
    Digitized in commemoration of the 50th anniversary of its publication, this 40 page booklet provides an historical perspective on rangeland weed control in Hawaii. The majority of the publication consists of information on specific plants that should be eradicated from Hawaii's rangelands. Several native Hawaiian plants are included in the noxious species list. (Available in PDF format at two different resolutions and as a text file.)

  • Pacific Island Ecosystems at Risk (PIER)
    (Institute of Pacific Islands Forestry, USDA)
    Reports on invasive plant species in American Samoa, Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, Cook Islands, Federated States of Micronesia, Guam, Niue, Palau, Samoa, and Tonga.

  • Weed Risk Assessments for Hawaii and Pacific Islands
    (Dr. Curt Daehler, Botany Department, University of Hawaii at Manoa)
    Searchable database as well as lists by genus and species for risk assessments of about 200 introduced plants.