Rangeland Ecology & Management

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Range Condition: Key to Sustained Ranch Productivity
McGinty, Allan Dr.
White, Larry D.
Texas A & M Extension Service

Range condition can be described as the “state of health” of the range. More specifically, range condition is an ecological measure of the current condition of the range as compared to the potential (often called “climax”). Plant species composition is the criteria used to make this determination.
Range condition is evaluated for each range site on a ranch. Range sites are those areas which have the potential for prducing similar amounts and kinds of vegetation (i.e.,shallow hillside site, deep upland site, draw site, etc.). Sites are determined by climatic, soil, topographic and vegetational features. A complete listing and description of all range sites on a ranch can be obtained from the Soil Conservation Service (SCS).

Resource Type
Document Type
  • Articles, citations, reports, websites, and multimedia resources focused on rangeland ecology, management, restoration, and other issues on American rangelands.