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The results of certain sheep to cattle ratio experiments conducted on sourveld
Malherbe, C. E.
Proceedings of the Annual Congresses of the Grassland Society of Southern Africa
Publication Year

Sheep to cattle ratio experiments carried out over a period of 12 years at the erstwhile Athole Agricultural Research Station are described. Fourteen treatments were applied consisting of six different sheep to cattle ratios each of which was burnt in two different ways. In addition to these, two fertilized treatments were also applied. Each treatment was conducted as a four camp system.

The production per sheep increased as the sheep to cattle ratio narrowed. The use of judicious times of burning increased the production per sheep in the case of the wider sheep to cattle ratios whilst it had little effect on the average production of the cattle. Botanical analyses showed very little difference due to the various sheep to cattle ratios, but the botanical composition was strongly influenced by the use of fertilizer.

Resource Type
Document Type
Journal Issue/Article
Journal Name
Proceedings of the Annual Congresses of the Grassland Society of Southern Africa