Rangeland Ecology & Management

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Behavioral syndromes and adaptation of beef cattle to rangeland grazing environments: a case study
Laura Goodman
Andres Cibils
Robert Wesley
Eric Scholljegerdes
Shad Cox
Richard Dunlap
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Consistent behavioral differences among individuals across situations and through time are known as behavioral syndromes. These suites of correlated behaviors are thought to set constraints on an animal's ability to adapt to varying environments.

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Laura Goodman1, Andres Cibils1, Robert Wesley3, Eric Scholljegerdes1, Shad Cox2, Richard Dunlap2 --- 1New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, NM, USA, 2Corona Range and Livestock Research Center, New Mexico State University, Corona, NM, USA, 3Red Canyon Ranch, The Nature Conservancy, Lander, WY, USA