Rangeland Ecology & Management

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Restoration of riparian meadows degraded by livestock grazing: Above- and belowground responses
Martin, D., J. Chambers
Publication Year

The effects of nitrogen addition, aeration, and revegetation alone, or in combination with simulated grazing, on the above- and belowground response of Carex nebrascensis and Poa pratensis were measured in riparian meadows to determine the best methods for reducing the impact of grazing and restoring these areas after grazing. The results of the study were difficult to interpret because they were highly variable within and among the three study sites due to the continually changing depth to groundwater. In general, nitrogen addition tended to decrease and aeration tended to increase above- and belowground plant responses, and revegetation was successful. However, the new plants required time to establish and were not necessarily as desirable as natural species. Of the methods tested for restoration and recovery of grazed riparian meadows, aeration caused the greatest plant response, however, since the water table had such a large effect on the results of the study more research is required before making recommendations for its use.

gas exchange
Poa pratensis
Carex nebrascensis
rooting activity
water relations
  • Citations and enhanced abstracts for journals articles and documents focused on rangeland ecology and management. RSIS is a collaboration between Montana State University, University of Idaho, and University of Wyoming.