Rangeland Ecology & Management

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Suppression of grasshoppers in the Great Plains through grazing management
Onsager, J. A.
Publication Year

Onsager examined the effects of two grazing systems on the presence of grasshoppers in western North Dakota. The author compared at a twice-over rotational grazing system to a season long (May-September) system, each comprised of native forage species and crested wheatgrass. Onsager found that the twice-over system on a native prairie was the most effective, due to the fact that cattle reduced the standing crop and canopy cover to levels not suitable for rapid grasshopper growth (severe defoliation). One caution the author stated was that under certain weather conditions (increased spring moisture and high summer temperatures) that grasshopper outbreaks are very difficult to control.

rotational grazing
Melanoplus sanguinipes
crested wheatgrass
grasshopper management
twice-over grazing system
  • Citations and enhanced abstracts for journals articles and documents focused on rangeland ecology and management. RSIS is a collaboration between Montana State University, University of Idaho, and University of Wyoming.