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The influence of livestock trampling under intensive rotation grazing on soil hydrologic characteristics
Warren, S. D., T. L. Thurow, W. H. Blackburn, N. E. Garza
Publication Year

To determine the effects of trampling in intensive rotational grazing systems, Warren et al. measured soil properties after cattle trampled a dry and moist pasture, devoid of vegetation. Applied trampling rates mimicked different stocking rates (1x, 2x, and 3x) that may be used with this grazing system. In all trampled pastures, soil infiltration was lower and sediment production was higher than untrampled pastures, and the effects of trampling tended to increase as soil moisture and stocking rates increased. This study concludes that using a high-intensity rotational grazing system will negatively impact soil properties, such as infiltration rate and sediment production.

grazing systems
soil compaction
Infiltration Rate
intensive rotational grazing
sediment production
  • Citations and enhanced abstracts for journals articles and documents focused on rangeland ecology and management. RSIS is a collaboration between Montana State University, University of Idaho, and University of Wyoming.