The influences of buffer width and slope, vegetation characteristics, and stubble height on sediment retention were examined at the Montana Agricultural Experiment Station’s Red Bluff Research Ranch in Southwestern Montana (45˚35’N, 111˚40’W). Four upland (bunchgrasses), five transitional (dominated by Baltic rush with some grasses), and four wetland (Northwest Territory sedge and other sedges) paired plots were established. Two clipping treatments (2-3 cm stubble-severe and 10-15 cm-moderate) and six runoff sediment simulations (silt at 6 m, fine sand at 6m, silt at 2m, fine sand at 2m, silt at 1m and fine sand at 1m) were tested. Water and sediment were released at a set distance above the bottom of the plot and allowed to flow through the plot. These simulations occurred during June- August 1999. Clipping was done immediately before runoff simulation. Runoff samples were taken immediately after addition of sediment and then again between 15 seconds and 5 minutes until simulations were complete. Slope, runoff and sediment retention were analyzed with vegetation type, clipping treatment and buffer width.
Citations and enhanced abstracts for journals articles and documents focused on rangeland ecology and management. RSIS is a collaboration between Montana State University, University of Idaho, and University of Wyoming.