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Ermelo weeping lovegrass response to clipping, fertilization, and watering
Masters, R. A.
Britton, C. M.
Society for Range Management
Publication Year

A management strategy using short-duration grazing and fertilization was simulated in a study with individual ‘Ermelo’ weeping lovegrass [Eragrostis curvula (Shrad.) Nees] plants. Influence of 2 levels of clipping [unclipped during the growing season and clipped (C) to 10-cm stubble height each time regrowth reached 40 cm]; fertilizer [unfertilized and 70-34-44 kg N-P-K/ha (F)]; and watering frequency [irrigated to field capacity at 7- (WET) and 14 (DRY) day intervals] on cumulative herbage dry matter yield, crude protein yield, and water-use efficiency, and root mass of individual weeping lovegrass plants grown in soil contained in polyethylene tubes was determined. Clipping combined with fertilization improved herbage dry matter yield and water-use efficiency. Fertilized plants yielded at least 5.4 g crude protein/tube as compared to less than 2.0 g crude protein/tube produced by unfertilized plants. Between 1 June and 15 September 1983 WET-F- treated plants provided sufficient regrowth for 5 harvest events with an average of 24-day intervals between harvests. In contrast, regrowth of WET-, DRY-F, and DRY-treated plants was harvested 3 times with intervals between harvests averaging between 32 and 35 days. Clipping had no effect on root mass of WET-, DRY- F-, and DRY-treated plants, but reduced root mass of WET-F- treated plants by 44%. Based on this simulation of a fomge management strategy, periodii harvest of weeping lovegrass combined with fertilization improved herbage dry matter yield and water-use efficiency without adversely affecting root mass when interval between harvest events avenged 32 to 35 days. This material was digitized as part of a cooperative project between the Society for Range Management and the University of Arizona Libraries. The Journal of Range Management archives are made available by the Society for Range Management and the University of Arizona Libraries. Contact lbry-journals@email.arizona.edu for further information. Migrated from OJS platform August 2020

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Journal Issue/Article
Digital Object Identifier (DOI)
Additional Information
Masters, R. A., & Britton, C. M. (1990). Ermelo weeping lovegrass response to clipping, fertilization, and watering. Journal of Range Management, 43(5), 461-465.
OAI Identifier
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Journal Pages
Journal Name
Journal of Range Management
shoot pruning
NPK fertilizers
crop quality
Eragrostis curvula
dry matter accumulation
irrigation scheduling
root systems
water-use efficiency
crude protein
growth rate
crop yield
plant height