Rangeland Ecology & Management

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2003 Annual Meeting

March 20-21, 2003

Tucson, AZ

Summary Workshop Report

Representatives from 13 western land-grant universities, as well as the National Agricultural Library, WCARET, the Noble Foundation, and NRCS, gathered in Tucson March 20-21, 2003 to attend the second Western Rangelands Partnership meeting and workshop. This Partnership began in 2002 to bring regional and state-specific rangelands information, resources, and decision-making tools to the web under the umbrella of the Agriculture Network Information Center (AgNIC).

Organized and facilitated by the multi-disciplinary UA AgNIC rangelands team, the two-day event focused initially on state progress reports and reports on national AgNIC activities, including plans for instituting web services and portal technology. Also provided was a brief overview of the E-Extension initiative. This was followed by brainstorming and discussion sessions on the issues of content development, resources needed, and organizing options.

Results of these sessions provided the basis for an action plan covering content development, technical/peer review, sustainability strategies, and funding opportunities. In addition, a workshop was held giving all participants hands-on experience with adding metadata to the regional web site database. Lastly, the Partnership solicited input to be sure the appropriate people at all western land-grant universities were being made aware of the opportunity to join this voluntary effort.

Participant List

University of Alaska, Fairbanks

  • Norm Harris, School of Agriculture and Land Resources Management, pfnrh@uaa.alaska.edu

University of California, Davis

  • Mel George, Cooperative Extension Rangeland Specialist, mrgeorge@ucdavis.edu
  • Norma Kobzina, UC Berkeley Library, nkobzina@library.berkeley.edu

University of Idaho

  • Karen Launchbaugh, Rangeland Ecology & Management, klaunchb@uidaho.edu

Kansas State University

  • Mike Haddock, Agriculture Librarian, haddock@lib.ksu.edu

Montana State University

  • Tracy Brewer, Range Management Specialist, tbrewer@montana.edu
  • Jodee Kawasaki, Montana State University Libraries, alijk@montana.edu

University of Nebraska-Lincoln

  • Elaine Nowick, Agriculture Librarian, enowick@unlnotes.unl.edu

University of Nevada

  • Amy Shannon, Head, Life and Health Sciences Library, ashannon@unr.edu

New Mexico State University

  • Rex Pieper, Range Science, rpieper@nmsu.edu

Oklahoma State University

  • Amy Ganguli, Rangeland Program and SRM, amycg@okstate.edu

Oklahoma, The Noble Foundation

  • Matt Mattox, Range Specialist, mwmattox@noble.org
  • Russell Stevens, Range Specialist, rlstevens@noble.org

Texas A&M University

  • Laura Ampol-Hall, Center for Grazinglands & Ranch Management, ljhall@ag.tamu.edu

Utah State University

  • Roger Banner, Assoc. Professor & Extension Specialist, College of Natural Resources, rogerb@ext.usu.edu
  • Anne Hedrich, Interim Director, Quinney Natural Resources Research Library, annhed@ngw.lib.usu.edu
  • Mindy Pratt, USU Extension, prattandpratt@msn.com

Washington State University

  • Jim Dobrowolski, Department of Natural Resource Sciences, dobrowol@wsu.edu

National Agriculture Library

  • Tim Lynch, AgNIC Technical Advisor (also from Cornell University), lynch@gould.mannlib.cornell.edu

NRCS, Arizona Office

  • Meg Bishop, meg.bishop@az.usda.gov


  • Gerry Hillier, ghillierplus@msn.com

University of Arizona Workshop Planning Committee

  • Marianne Bracke, Science-Engineering Library, brackem@u.library.arizona.edu
  • Carla Casler, Arid Lands Information Center, ccasler@cals.arizona.edu
  • Michael Haseltine, Arid Lands Information Center, haseltin@u.arizona.edu
  • Jerry Henzel, Precipice International, Inc., jhenzel@henzel.org
  • Barbara Hutchinson, Arid Lands Information Center, barbarah@cals.arizona.edu
  • Doug Jones, Science-Engineering Library, jonesd@u.library.arizona.edu
  • Sheila Merrigan, Cooperative Extension, merrigan@cals.arizona.edu
  • Jeanne Pfander, Science-Engineering Library, pfanderj@u.library.arizona.edu
  • George Ruyle, Rangeland and Forest Resources Program, gruyle@cals.arizona.edu

Other University of Arizona Participants

  • Carla Stoffle, Dean of Libraries
  • Jim Christensen, Associate Dean, CALS, Cooperative Extension
  • Dave Cox, Associate Dean, CALS, Academic Programs
  • Ken Foster, Director, Office of Arid Lands Studies
  • Maria Fernandez-Gimenez, Rangeland and Forest Resources Program
  • Robert MacArthur, CALS, Networking Coordinator
  • Chestalene Pintozzi, Facilitator, University Library
  • Anne Thwaits, Web Graphics Specialist
  • Deborah Young, Director, Extension Programs

Non-Attending States

  • Colorado State University
  • North Dakota State University
  • Oregon State University
  • South Dakota State University
  • University of Wyoming