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Rinker Rock Creek Ranch, Idaho

Partner State Resources

Idaho Rangelands

Rangelands cover just over half of Idaho (28 million acres) and provide many goods and services including livestock forage, wildlife habitat, water, and outdoor recreation. Idaho's rangelands are scenic and vast, undulating across incredible canyonlands, riverplains, and mountain foothills. These iconic western landscapes influence the lives and livelihoods of nearly all Idahoans because 90% of Idaho citizens live amidst rangelands or in areas that were rangeland prior to cultivation and development.

John Finnell (TNC)


Featured Videos

  • Rinker Rock Creek Ranch - A Living Laboratory

    The University of Idaho’s Rinker Rock Creek Ranch is a unique research, education and outreach facility that offers a hands-on approach to rangeland management and conservation. The 10,400-acre working ranch doubles as a living laboratory where science-based practices for land managers are developed. U of I delivers programming at Rinker Rock Creek Ranch to the central Idaho community on rangeland, plants, wildlife, stream restoration and cattle management.

  • Collaboration Thrives at Rock Creek Ranch

    A unique partnership between the Wood River Land Trust, The Nature Conservancy and the University of Idaho guides education, research and management of the Rock Creek Ranch.

  • Rangeland Conservation at the University of Idaho

    Study in a nationally ranked program. Learn in the field from rangeland faculty and professionals Our graduates are in demand for an array of careers -- prepare for your future at University of Idaho!

Featured Podcasts

  • art of range

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