Rangeland Ecology & Management

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Social Factors Influence the Implementation of Targeted Cattle Grazing and Other Rangeland Innovations
Maria Fernandez-Gimenez
Publication Year

Most rangeland managers, researchers and extension agents intuitively know that many interacting factors influence an individual's decision to change their management, especially when the change involves adoption of a new technology or system of management. Yet rangeland professionals and researchers have been slow to act on this intuition and incorporate social science research into development and extension of rangeland practices, such as targeted grazing, that may enhance economic or ecological sustainability or achieve specific management objectives. This presentation summarizes key contributions of social research on adoption of innovations on rangelands, identifies key gaps remaining in our knowledge, and presents case studies of integrated research and extension projects to illustrate how social research can enhance the relevance of rangeland ecological and economic research and improve the success of our outreach efforts.

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Maria Fernandez-Gimenez --- Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO, USA