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The Northern Great Basin: A Region of Continual Change
Svejcar, Tony
Society for Range Management
Publication Year

On the Ground • The Great Basin of the United States has experienced large climatic fluctuations over the past 10,000 years. Lake Bonneville (the remnant of which is the Great Salt Lake) at one time covered almost 20,000 square miles, which is about the size of Lake Michigan. The fact that the region is internally drained amplifies the effects of climatic shifts on the Great Basin environment. • Euro-American exploration also had dramatic effects on the Great Basin environment. Some of the early exploration involved intentional destruction of resources (decimating beaver populations) to make the region less appealing to potential competitors. The removal of beaver would have affected riparian areas of the Great Basin as early as the 1820s. • The American settlement period was also fairly destructive. The various Homestead Acts were not designed with the Great Basin in mind and the mix of homesteaded (private) and un-homesteaded (public) land created a chaotic setting where the first person to arrive used the forage. This situation persisted until the Taylor Grazing Act of 1934. • There are clearly reasons for concern over the expansion of annual grasses and extensive wildfires. However, recent planning efforts associated with improving habitat for greater sage-grouse provide examples where science and management have been integrated, and there is a much needed focus on evaluating the success of management practices. The outcome of these efforts should be increased accountability for those involved in rangeland management in the northern Great Basin. The Rangelands archives are made available by the Society for Range Management and the University of Arizona Libraries. Contact lbry-journals@email.arizona.edu for further information. Migrated from OJS platform March 2020

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Journal Issue/Article
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Svejcar, T. (2015). The Northern Great Basin: A Region of Continual Change. Rangelands, 37(3), 114-118.
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historical change
shrub steppe
  • Practical, non-technical peer-reviewed articles published by the Society for Range Management. Access articles on a rolling-window basis from vol 1, 1979 up to 3 years from the current year. More recent content is available by subscription from SRM.